
Archive for February 24th, 2009

Starting over

I’m so happy I made this blog. It’s going to keep everything up to date, organised and help so much with my TPPP. i just wish i had’ve had this at the start of last year! but never mind now.. Today I focused on getting up to date with Ancient Greek theatre and starting to make posts of what i had learnt from Medea and SOTM.

The year elevens were watching  a video about Kathakali dance, which I watched vaguely as well. I learnt a lot about the dedication that was required by these dancers. They trained for 10 years, started at the age of twelve. The physical fitness that is required of those dancers amazed me. There was 24 different hand movements alone that signified different words and meanings.


This picture shows a traditional costume of Kathakali, the green makeup symbolises nobility. The makeup involved withn Kathakali dance is an intricate an particular process which can take many hours to complete.


Kathakali dance dates from the 17th century, it can be seen during  religious ceremonies, for it is performed for the gods. Kathakali has a unique combination of literature, music, painting, acting and dance.

Following watching the video, we wrote down everything on a large piece of butchers paper that we had learnt about Kathakali dance. This was a valuable experience because it expanded my knowledge abotu theatre in the world.

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