
Archive for the ‘PPP’ Category

PPP- 16/3/09

Practical Performance Proposal

Today we began our understanding of what was really required in the PPP. We read through a part of the bible, and now I’m beginning to grasp why we need to many workshops and knowledge in place to complete a PPP that will score well.

I’m excited about beginning it, this is an aspect of theatre that I usually have an idea on, in that I enjoy creating visions form plays/stimulus. I will enjoy creating a “highly imaginitive illuminating and original interpretation,” because I enjoy creating set designs and creating ideas.

The workshop on the weekend should be a great way to begin really practising getting a vision from any type of stimulus whether it be music, photos, a script or anything as obscure as an apple. I’ve decided that for my PPP (and IPP as well) i’m going to buy a4 or a3 folios (such as used in art) and  put all my ideas, inspirations,drawings, and though processes in there. That way, it will all be bound in a practical way, as well as showing a more effective visual account of my process!

I’m not too stressed about this task- yes i understand the amount of work that needs to go into the 4 weeks, but i think that with all the preparation that we are completing, along with my passion for this sectoin of theatre- that i’ll be able to do a PPP that I’m happy with. I was thinking that to ensure I keep on top of my workload in this time, I will set myself small goals. ie. i’ll tell myself to have my pitch done by day 4. and then set small goals so that everything is done and i don’t miss out on any aspects such as bibliography. The hardest bit will probably be the rationale, but with a bit more knowledge into theorists, and with some research that I’ll complete while actually doing the PPP, i think i’ll be able to write something that is reflective of what I am trying to achieve. I do look forward to the second sectoin, because it does’t really have any limitations! I really like being creative, and so in my folio of my PPP i will be able to put anything and everything that I think of. I can stick in photos that inspire me, and show the examiner really how I have gotten from the stimulus to my vision. 

I’m actually looking forward to this task! 🙂

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